Claire Culliford

Author Web Design in Huddersfield
Claire Culliford is one of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire’s latest writing stars. Claire approached Athena Media to help create the branding and website for her writing services – one that needed to go in the direction that she wanted to take her creative writing in the future.
In early 2019 Claire’s children’s books had been taken on by the likes of Waterstones and Barnes and Noble in America. Therefore, her branding and website needed to be constructed pretty fast! After the successful launch of the website, we also developed a multi-language version aimed at selling her books to her international audiences (¡fantástica!).
The Solution
We carried out hours of in-depth research and analysis on Claire’s local, national, and international competition. Through this research, we also found out what made her audience tick, and what they were searching for. We then used all that data to create a truly stunning and creative website design and brand that captured the audience’s attention straight away.
We stepped away from the overly heavy side of eCommerce and allowed the products to fit into the design and content naturally. This helped to drive sales in an organic way, whilst still ensuring the audience knew the website was an eCommerce and would allow users to easily move into the shopping side of the website.
The Results
Since launching Claires website in 2019, it has ranked extremely well organically throughout Google. Not only that, but Claire’s books launched internationally so we implemented a feature to allow people to switch the language of the website between English, Spanish, or Chinese.